Dementia First Day Care
Mondays 10.00am – 4.00pm Jennings Hall
Dementia First, a local charity, provide day care facilities in a safe and comfortable environment by staff specifically trained in dementia care. Offering physical and mental stimulation with arts and crafts, word games, singing and exercise to music. Includes a hot lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
£56 per day + £5 for lunch and refreshments. Part days also available.
For more information contact Dementia First
Tel: 01883 818310
Email: info@dementiafirst.org.uk
Website: www.dementiafirst.org.uk
Job Opportunities
 Demenita First are recruiting staff for their day centres in Bletchingley, Horley and Lingfield.
Do you have at least 2 years’ experience of working with people with dementia and looking for a part-time job? We are currently recruiting Team Leaders, Day Support Workers and Casual Day Support workers – Rates from £9.45 per hour.
If you are interested, please telephone 01883 818310 for application details
 Registered Charity No. 1172242   The Byre, Pendell Road, Bletchingley, Surrey RH1 4QH